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Schools (Local Authority) In Somercotes And The Surrounding Area

Showing results in Somercotes & Surrounding Area | Somercotes Only | Amber Valley

 Alfreton Park Community Special School

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

 Christ The King Catholic Primary School

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

 Copthorne Infant School

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

 Croft Infant School

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

 David Nieper Academy

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

 Frederick Gent School

Schools (Local Authority) in South Normanton, Alfreton ....view

 Glebe Junior School

Schools (Local Authority) in South Normanton, Alfreton ....view

 John King Infant School

Schools (Local Authority) in Pinxton, ....view

 Kirkstead Junior Academy

Schools (Local Authority) in Pinxton, ....view

 Leys Junior School

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

 Longwood Infant School

Schools (Local Authority) in Pinxton, ....view

 Riddings Infant & Nursery School

Schools (Local Authority) in Riddings, Alfreton ....view

 Riddings Junior School

Schools (Local Authority) in Riddings, Alfreton ....view

 Somercotes Infants & Nursery School

Schools (Local Authority) in Somercotes, Alfreton ....view

 Somerlea Park Junior School

Schools (Local Authority) in Somercotes, Alfreton ....view

 Swanwick Hall School

Schools (Local Authority) in Swanwick, Alfreton ....view

 Swanwick Primary School

Schools (Local Authority) in Swanwick, Alfreton ....view

 Swanwick School and Sports College

Schools (Local Authority) in Swanwick, Alfreton ....view

 The Brigg Infant School

Schools (Local Authority) in South Normanton, Alfreton ....view

 The Green Infant School

Schools (Local Authority) in South Normanton, Alfreton ....view

 Woodbridge Junior School

Schools (Local Authority) in Alfreton ....view

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